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Transporting People with Additional Needs

Allowing Sufficient Time

Drivers need to factor in extra time for transporting individuals with additional needs:

  • Time Considerations: A journey may take longer due to assisting individuals from their home to the vehicle.
  • Individual Pace: Be prepared for slower movement due to short strides or the need to move slowly.
  • Wheelchair Assistance: Helping with wheelchairs, including folding and storing, adds to the journey time.

Importance of Time and Patience

Quotes from transport service users highlight the importance of allowing ample time:

  • Passenger Experience: Rushing can lead to accidents and discomfort for passengers, impacting their well-being.
  • Anxiety and Rushing: Hurrying passengers can cause anxiety and make them feel unwanted or distressed.

Customer Service and Passenger Comfort

Providing exceptional customer service enhances passenger experience:

  • Driver Behaviour: Treating passengers with respect and ensuring comfort fosters a positive experience.
  • Impact on Passenger Satisfaction: Satisfied passengers are more likely to choose the service again and recommend it to others.