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Safely Transporting Passengers with Medical Devices

Transporting Medical Devices and Equipment

Guidelines for handling medical devices and equipment:

  • Medical Device Types: Be prepared to transport various medical devices, including oxygen tanks and other specialist equipment.
  • Oxygen Cylinders: Ensure your insurance covers transportation of oxygen; always lay the cylinder down securely to prevent rolling.
  • Fragile Equipment: Handle with care to avoid damage that could jeopardise the passenger's health.

Dealing with Medical Incidents

Procedures for managing medical incidents during transportation:

  • Handling Bodily Fluids: Be cautious with bodily fluids like blood; wear protective gloves and use wipes to clean surfaces.
  • Blood-Borne Pathogens: Take precautions to prevent infection when cleaning up blood or other bodily fluids.
  • Vomit Clean-Up: Use similar procedures as for blood spills; consider carrying vomit bags in your vehicle.

First Aid Kit Essentials

Ensure your vehicle's first aid kit is well-stocked:

  • Essential Supplies: Disposable gloves, antiseptic wipes, disinfectant wipes, and bags for safe disposal.
  • Restocking: Replace used items promptly to maintain readiness for emergencies.